Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Later same day

(Waiting for the shower.)

I think I may have sleep-walked - or, rather, sleep-jumped for the first time last night. Er, early this morning. The only comforting thing about this is that the only other person present at the time was, I'm pretty sure, fast asleep; so there's no real point trying to verify my suspicions. (Oddly enough, uncertainty can be a good thing.)

So, after writing the previous blog post and stewing a little longer over page design, I finally went back to bed.

Around four o'clock, I realized that it was not my overactive brain that was keeping me awake any longer, nor was it my weirdly rearranged surroundings. It was the ceiling fan.

Some other time I'll write about ceiling fans; I am sadly ungrateful for them for a significant portion of the time.

For now, though, it's only really worth noting that I did nothing to remedy the situation, and eventually fell anyway into something resembling sleep.

At some point in the darkness, I have a vague recollection of looking up and seeing this shelf a foot or two from the ceiling directly above my bed (I sleep on the top bunk, so the ceiling isn't always as far away as I'd like it to be); and this shelf was wavering precariously under a motherload of cement bricks.

I'm pretty sure I really did leap in a panic from my bed, and I'm almost positive I really did stand there next to it for some time, slowly realizing that there was no shelf, and definitely no cement bricks.

I wonder if this means I'm losing my mind, or just that it's a bad idea to stay awake past 4:00 A.M.

Unfortunately, we'll never know, because the shower is open, and I must seize this window of opportunity before someone else does. One of the limited number of drawbacks to having a mid-sized to largeish family.

I will not survive this day without caffeine. Just saying.

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