Tuesday, September 21, 2010

notes on a scandal

(or: a few things I've discovered in the more recent portion of my brief stay on this queer planet)

There are better and worse ways to make chai tea at home.

In spite of my thus-far non-habit of using them, I really like aprons - chiefly because they allow a cook to wipe her hands off on herself without a second thought.

It's delightfully acceptable to wear fuzzy socks to church, if you also wear boots and a long skirt to cover them up.

I guess my sister eats chocolate chips under stress (current example: Chinese checkers with Keegan).

Even I have my competitive moments.

According to Keegan, the only difference between himself and Justin Bieber is that he (by which I mean Keegan) doesn't have any recording contracts.

I hate changing clothes. One way to decrease stress on a Sunday afternoon is to leave on most of your church clothes - exchanging, perhaps, a skirt for a pair of jeans - and then making the minimal switch back to decency in time for the evening service.

I also hate brushing my teeth. (Don’t worry, I do it, I just don’t enjoy it.)I have yet to come up with a good solution for this problem. It’s possible there isn’t one.

However, I actually kind of enjoy washing dishes. I find this a little peculiar, but convenient.

Dark chocolate-hazelnut lattes are pretty good, too.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Nice post.

And I enjoy washing the dishes too. :p