Friday, September 23, 2011

breffuss genius

Not to be perpetually posting about food - and not to brag - but I think I semi-invented something rather charming for breakfast yesterday, and it seems only right to share.

I started with an online recipe for pumpkin oatmeal, which I followed approximately. Ok, now that I look back over the recipe, 'approximate' might be too strong a word. In any case, it served as the initiating idea. Upon sampling my eventual creation, I found the pumpkinny flavor a bit much, and a little boring in spite of the cinnamon. So in went the cloves, the nutmeg, the applesauce, and the raisins. (Also a little sploosh of leftover coffee in the last few bites - I'm not positive that was the best idea ever, but it wasn't horrible.)

The end result was fabulous! I thought so, anyway. Autumn rocks the world's socks off (albeit at a time of year when the world is trying particularly hard to get its socks and other warm articles of clothing on), and this was a breakfast that tasted just like autumn in a bowl. So very lovely.

In case this madness sounds as appealing to you as it does to me, here's an approximation of a recipe.

1 C. rolled oats
scant 1/2 C. pumpkin puree
2 C. water (or milk?)
cinnamon, nutmeg, & cloves to taste
~1/3 C. applesauce or cooked apples
some raisins

Cook the oats, pumpkin, water, and spices over medium heat until it resembles a slightly goopy version of oatmeal. Stir in the apple(sauce), raisins, and whatever else you feel is fitting - drizzle with honey - and enjoy!
The delicious factor diminishes significantly when re-heated, however, so it's best to only make as much as you can eat right away. (This makes 3-4 servings.)

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